10 mont
Recovery is slow (my doctors are saying 12-18 months) and some symptoms can remain for a very long time. My deep tendon reflexes are gone and my lower legs tire very quickly. This is why I love the stationary recumbent bike. My upper legs and hips can do most of the work, so I can exercise for longer.
Anyway, the Wii Fit exercises help with balance and strength that I lost and am trying to regain. It's easy stuff, but not so easy for me. I get zero points on things all the time as I figure it out or cannot balance enough. (This is humbling, being someone who ran a marathon just over a year ago and led a very active life). I still see myself as active, just in small spurts for now.
So that's me. That's where I'm at. And why I have strength and fitness to rebuild. Oh, did I mention my wonderful husband and kids who have been more encouraging, loving and patient than one could imagine? Another motivating factor-I want to be well and strong and do fun, active things with them.
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