Back at it. You gotta love Mondays!
30 minutes on the Wii Fit. I try to do that much every day. It's those little things, the balance and strengthening exercises, that I seem to be benefitting from on the Wii. When it's challenging to hold my arms up during Yoga Warrior pose, I'm pretty sure it's helping me.
30 minutes + cool down on the TREADMILL at the YMCA! I know, why would I try to do that?! I have gone on walks that long, but this was a little more of a workout, and the only other time I tried it I just wore out so fast. But, there was this guy getting on the little recumbent bike and putting in headphones just as I walked into The Room, so I saved the last elliptical for Wade, then hopped (symbolically speaking) on a treadmill thinking I probably wouldn't last too long.
But hey, I just did what I do on the bike and concentrated on form, core (abs), and on not using the muscles in my lower legs much, and it worked pretty well. I went over 2 miles, did a variable hill workout and got my heart rate up into the cardio range for a good portion of the time.
It was fun! And the day's efforts added up.
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