In my recommitment to working on Wii Fit exercises, I went back to it for 30 minutes today. The Wii Fit plus routines (combined) was my workout of choice. What fun! First, obviously the aerobic exercise outside is good for me. My Wii Fit age was a record low at 20! And I didn't even perform perfectly on the tests given me. Any of the training on the Wii today that required strength and balance from my lower legs was average. The activities that measure overall strength and coordination turned out great.
The Zen Moment was my last thing and the phone rang-- it bombed. So I was reminded today that:
- regular aerobic exercise is good for me
- toning is amazingly satisfying, and
- I'm back on the Wii regularly, in addition to fun outside!
image found at http://nerdvana.freedomblogging.com/
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