A good week. I tried to balance the Wii activities (between yoga, strength, fun, and balance) with other exercise. A snowy week (complete with a snow day :) made for a couple of trips to the neighborhood YMCA and their stationary bike (and hot tub). On the graph of my
fit credits, it was great to see multiple colors and time spent doing the various choices. A similar balance in life is important, too, so I pondered on that for a bit today.
On a weight gain day I admitted that eating too much was probably the culprit, so today the Wii asked me if I remembered that and was working on it. Okay. I will try.
I also tried to use the strong muscles I have (core, hips, quads, hamstrings) to do my cardio time on the bike. If I relax my lower legs, I tire more slowly and can do a longer, tougher workout. Hopefully over time, this balance will help me increase my exercise time and lose those extra pounds!

One last note, I have found a way to succeed at the Zen balance game. I sit with my legs loosely crossed (Indian style), my back straight, with my eyes closed. As I hear all the distracting sounds I try to find the quietest peaceful spot inside me, behind my closed eyes, and concentrate on that. As I feel increasingly calm, the time goes by, the crickets chirp, the moth burns up in the candle flame, the guy walking into the room on the squeaky floor boards just clears his throat and leaves, and before I know it, 3 minutes (or 180 seconds) is up. It's very calming and rejuvenating. As I ended with that game today I thought that my life could use more of that inner peace to balance the chaos of daily living.