Friday, February 26, 2010

Simple Test

This has been the week of the simple test on the Wii Fit for me! It uses the same weight for clothing as the previous body test, skips the dialogue, and cuts to the chase.

It quickly does my weight and balance tests, skipping the Wii Fit age tests. It takes about a minute, which is nice. If it is a day when I have gone to the YMCA or outside, I do the simple test, log the fit credits into Activity Log and wait for another day with time for more ski jumping! (Oh, and strength and yoga, too).

Monday, February 15, 2010

Winter Olympics 2010-the Wii Fit way

Welcome to the 2010 Olympics, Wii Fit style! This morning I went to the YMCA for some treadmill time, so tonight I decided to have some fun with the snow sports on Wii Fit. All of these happen to fit into the balance category, so I have a bit of trouble with them, meaning no gold medals here!
  • Snowboard slalom (no bueno!),
  • ski jump (my all time favorite repeat activity),
  • snowball fight (I improve almost every time--believe me, there was room for it!), and
  • ski slalom (not nearly as bad as snowboard).
Maybe the next Wii Fit update could have cross country skiing for an aerobics workout. Hmm.

As the snow flies (and continues to accumulate here) we will enjoy the 2010 Winter Games and a few winter games of our own.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fun combining routines

Yesterday my time on the Wii was almost all using Wii Fit Plus Routines and combining them into a workout. After going to the top tab, it gives you the option to combine routines. I think it just takes one activity from each selected routine.

Anyway, it was fun to see what was next and I found that I could do some of the things I have skipped thinking I would not have the strength or balance for it. Lots of things to try and ways to mix things up to keep it interesting. I can't believe I love this! (Neither can my kids who have been home for snow days and have to share the Wii with me/Mii!).

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Healthy Eating

I am so bad at consistently eating healthy. I just LOVE treats!

But I have been eating Cheerios (it's whole grain, and good for cholesterol) and saw this deal on my newest box...

So eating right, eating smaller portions, exercising using the Wii Fit and extra walking and aerobic exercise...adding one thing at a time. For my heart, for my family, for my health.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I tried this!

I tried:
  • ...the Advanced Step since it was part of one of the routines I was doing. It was fun! I did not have a perfect record (like the video below...) (ha!), but I had a great time.
  • ...and tried to log my walk from yesterday (so it would show up as yesterday and not today), but was unsuccessful. But that's ok, it's still in there.
  • and finally...I make a habit of using my left hand to hold the Wiimote (unless it has to be in the right hand for something). Being an extremely right-handed person, this is weird, but I figure it will help me be a little more coordinated with that left hand!