Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day of Rest

I love the Sabbath and don't even miss working out. Or housework. Or yard work.

I love to go on walks with the family on Sunday. And it's great to have a nice meal, even though there are still dishes. The family time is what I enjoy the most.

So when the Wii Fit asks, "So, you didn't have time to work out yesterday?" I don't feel even a bit guilty!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We and the Wii

The best thing in my life is my family. We are here for each other (why isn't that one word...eachother looks just fine to me??). The funnest time for me to do Wii Fit is when at least one of my family is there with me. And I like watching the kids do Wii Fit and Wii sports. Probably not Mario Bros. so much, but that's just me!

So, though the kids are gone to school during the day, almost without exception, I wait until at least our youngest is here and will cheer me on and do some of the exercises with me. The power of companionship!

It is way fun for my husband to watch me attempting Kung Fu while he is working in his makeshift wood shop in the basement family room. And we have found that when we do the Wii Fit Routines, it does not keep score and takes a little of the competitiveness out of the workout. Some of us are happier not knowing who is in first place every time. Now if we could just find a way to convince our Mii characters not to hang their heads in disappointment when we have a bad go at one of the games!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


It has been a week of keepin' on. Just doing something every day to strengthen, improve, or at least try.

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
-- Confucius

Yes! for persistence
and little steps...

image and quote from

Monday, January 11, 2010

Keep Walking

photo from
Back at it. You gotta love Mondays!

30 minutes on the Wii Fit. I try to do that much every day. It's those little things, the balance and strengthening exercises, that I seem to be benefitting from on the Wii. When it's challenging to hold my arms up during Yoga Warrior pose, I'm pretty sure it's helping me.

30 minutes + cool down on the TREADMILL at the YMCA! I know, why would I try to do that?! I have gone on walks that long, but this was a little more of a workout, and the only other time I tried it I just wore out so fast. But, there was this guy getting on the little recumbent bike and putting in headphones just as I walked into The Room, so I saved the last elliptical for Wade, then hopped (symbolically speaking) on a treadmill thinking I probably wouldn't last too long.

But hey, I just did what I do on the bike and concentrated on form, core (abs), and on not using the muscles in my lower legs much, and it worked pretty well. I went over 2 miles, did a variable hill workout and got my heart rate up into the cardio range for a good portion of the time.

It was fun! And the day's efforts added up.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


A good week. I tried to balance the Wii activities (between yoga, strength, fun, and balance) with other exercise. A snowy week (complete with a snow day :) made for a couple of trips to the neighborhood YMCA and their stationary bike (and hot tub). On the graph of my fit credits, it was great to see multiple colors and time spent doing the various choices. A similar balance in life is important, too, so I pondered on that for a bit today.

On a weight gain day I admitted that eating too much was probably the culprit, so today the Wii asked me if I remembered that and was working on it. Okay. I will try.

I also tried to use the strong muscles I have (core, hips, quads, hamstrings) to do my cardio time on the bike. If I relax my lower legs, I tire more slowly and can do a longer, tougher workout. Hopefully over time, this balance will help me increase my exercise time and lose those extra pounds!

One last note, I have found a way to succeed at the Zen balance game. I sit with my legs loosely crossed (Indian style), my back straight, with my eyes closed. As I hear all the distracting sounds I try to find the quietest peaceful spot inside me, behind my closed eyes, and concentrate on that. As I feel increasingly calm, the time goes by, the crickets chirp, the moth burns up in the candle flame, the guy walking into the room on the squeaky floor boards just clears his throat and leaves, and before I know it, 3 minutes (or 180 seconds) is up. It's very calming and rejuvenating. As I ended with that game today I thought that my life could use more of that inner peace to balance the chaos of daily living.

Wii balance game Image found at

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Real changes? Not yet.

Beginning stats:
  • BMI- 27.19
  • weight- 153.4
  • Wii Fit age- 58
Current stats:
  • BMI- 26.83
  • weight- 152 lbs
  • Wii Fit age- 28
The weight of clothing on any day is variable and there is a choice between light (-2lb.) or heavy (-4lb.). Since mostly this time of the year I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt, long stretchy pants and shoes, it seems most accurate to choose heavy.

If there is any weight gain, the Wii asks me to choose a reason why. Overeating (usually), not exercising (kind of, because it's pretty low key for now), and don't know are my most common answers. It does make one think (and is surely intended to help us change our habits!).

BMI changes more slowly (and fluctuates). Being in the overweight category is humbling, but not shocking, as I have expanded in the past several months. So, this is the first of many stat checks.

Wii Fit age! This one is so funny and changes radically from day to day. I posted the first (oldest) and today's (youngest) Wii Fit ages for me since there was such a huge difference (and my Mii character reacts to either younger by cheering, or older by shaking her head or holding her lower back!). Mostly, for me, this age has been slightly older than my 41 years of age. (My kids constantly reassure me that it's because of Guillain-Barre...hmm).

Anyone can improve their Real Age by becoming more physically fit. My friend Tracy Hafen co-wrote a book on the subject called Real Age Workout. I'm reading it to find more insight into this idea.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Wii Fit Routines

Well, I set up My Routine over the weekend with mostly yoga and strengthening moves, as this is my area of greatest weakness (according to the Wii, and my balance really is bad). A phone call (from my husband :) during my workout today increased my balance woes and decreased my attention to each exercise.

The trainer guy gave me a little lecture on maybe learning how to do each exercise better before attempting the routine again. Pretty clever, and no offense taken, as I could see his point. It's funny, like I was wasting his time by not being focused. He's a computer simulation! Kind of Star Trek the Next Generation (the Moriarty episodes, or Voyager's Doctor) meets Toy Story ("You Are A TOY!").

(Oh, by the way, I tried switching to the girl trainer for yoga last week, but she is scantily clad enough, it's annoying, so I stick to the trainer guy!)

Another diversion in My Routine is that the trainer guy is wearing golden yellow throughout, so everything is different than when accessed through Training-- it's warmer than the green. I love that with the yoga Sunrise exercise. You'll have to try it to see what I mean.

Next time-- fitness and body test progress (for the record!).

Friday, January 1, 2010

Balance Meditation Zen

Balance scores remain low, ski jump crash, son instructing me in meditation.

New Year's resolutions already in motion....