Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Real changes? Not yet.

Beginning stats:
  • BMI- 27.19
  • weight- 153.4
  • Wii Fit age- 58
Current stats:
  • BMI- 26.83
  • weight- 152 lbs
  • Wii Fit age- 28
The weight of clothing on any day is variable and there is a choice between light (-2lb.) or heavy (-4lb.). Since mostly this time of the year I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt, long stretchy pants and shoes, it seems most accurate to choose heavy.

If there is any weight gain, the Wii asks me to choose a reason why. Overeating (usually), not exercising (kind of, because it's pretty low key for now), and don't know are my most common answers. It does make one think (and is surely intended to help us change our habits!).

BMI changes more slowly (and fluctuates). Being in the overweight category is humbling, but not shocking, as I have expanded in the past several months. So, this is the first of many stat checks.

Wii Fit age! This one is so funny and changes radically from day to day. I posted the first (oldest) and today's (youngest) Wii Fit ages for me since there was such a huge difference (and my Mii character reacts to either younger by cheering, or older by shaking her head or holding her lower back!). Mostly, for me, this age has been slightly older than my 41 years of age. (My kids constantly reassure me that it's because of Guillain-Barre...hmm).

Anyone can improve their Real Age by becoming more physically fit. My friend Tracy Hafen co-wrote a book on the subject called Real Age Workout. I'm reading it to find more insight into this idea.

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