Saturday, November 27, 2010

You know, it's been awhile since I've seen Dad...

My military husband came home for Thanksgiving (he is stationed overseas this year...) and we finally were able to address the concern on the WiiFit, that Dad has not signed in for quite awhile. So he did a body test, is fitter than ever (military style work outs will do that for ya!), and found that you do test at a lower age if you are regularly practicing those crazy balance and agility tests the WiiFit puts you through (which he obviously has not been able to do! We will not disclose his WiiFit age here, though).

So as you can see from the photos of the boys in my can sit, you can walk/run, or you can WiiFit. All have their place. We even have a rower and a swimmer in the bunch. Go, guys! I love my fit, happy family. Now I just gotta try to keep up (huff, puff...).

p.s. Gotta love Jim's new custom Nike's! They say Star Wars (one word on the back of each shoe!) above his initials, JD. Very cool colors. Very cool kid!

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